I want my boys to be "Fortunate Sons".
While I take that phrase from the Creedence Clearwater Revival song, my children are not those of privilege or influence. If they were, I would not encourage them to abandon their responsibilities - to God, to country or to family. But do I want them to face war - no. And the point of that song was, the fortunate ones did not face Vietnam. They were not sent off to face war and, in many cases, die.
I am very grateful to the men and women who have and do serve our country in the military. I am extremely proud of my brothers - Patrick, who is on his way to Iraq, and Dominic, who just volunteered to serve another year in Afghanistan. This is by no means meant as disrespect. It is simply my wish for the future of my children.
I want my boys to grow up in a world where war and death and destruction is not the opening story on the news every day.
I want them to grow up in a world were peace reigns, understanding permeates and compassion is what guides people.
I want them to grow up in a country where people of different opinions can come together and discuss their differences with out disrespect, name calling and pepper spray.
I want them to be part of a generation that will understand we all have common ground from which we can build a better life for everyone - in a fair and just way.
I want them to know that even though there are bad things in this world, good will win out.
I want so much for them. And I hope they will want these things for themselves and the others in their lives.
A mother can dream, can't she?