Thursday, April 16, 2009

When "That's Not Funny" Really Is

Usually, there's a very clear line between what's  acceptable and what's not.  And while I admit to not being the most consistent about discipline, Elwood knows what is right and what is wrong - and what he should and should not say.  

However, there are times, when discipline is just not possible.  Times when the giggles overcome you and the child sees that they have won solely because of their cuteness.  

Case in point  - 
The other night, Elwood was over tired, over stimulated, and just out of control.  He was all over the furniture like a monkey on speed.  Jumping from couch to couch.  Diving off the arm of the couch.  Up and down for what seemed like hours.  Then, he set his sites on his brother.  Finn, while no longer a completely innocent victim, is still not always a willing participant in his brother's antics.  Elwood pounced on him.  There was no subtly, no stealth - just a belly flop onto his little brother.  

After pulling them apart and reprimanding Elwood, he stood, arms crossed, bottom lip out, and looked at me.  Glared is probably more appropriate.  He opened that little mouth and growled "Finn's a jert!" (For those unsure about toddler-speak, jert=jerk).
Well, I lost it.  I tried to look and sound stern as I told him "That's not nice.  You don't call people that", but there was just no way to keep the smile off my face and the chuckle out of my voice.  I turned to Todd, hoping for a little back up (or back bone), but there was no help there. He kept his back to me while he did dishes, his head shaking and his shoulders rocking with laughter the whole time.

When I turned back to Elwood, he had the most beautiful, triumphant grin on his face.  He knew that he had won.  So, I gave up.  I surrendered to my little monkey and I laughed until I almost cried.   

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