Daddy and I had just decided that we were going to try for another child. We weren't sure if we were ready, but we knew that if we were going to, we needed to start trying. About a week later you were conceived. On the first try. Thanks to good timing and Elwood sleeping late, you were conceived on December 15, 2006.
My pregnancy was wonderful. None of the issues that I had when I was pregnant with your brother arose, so not only did I love being pregnant, I felt pretty good this time around. I would talk to you while I was at work and make you move if I felt you had been too quiet. And everyone enjoyed Mommy's cravings - especially all the late night s'mores that Daddy and Elwood and I had many, many times.
You were born without complications. Just a beautiful, perfect little boy. You nursed like a champ from the very beginning. I loved holding you, cuddled against my chest, and watch your big, questioning eyes take in the world around you.
I know that things haven't been as smooth since then. But you amaze me every day with your progress. I know you get frustrated that Mommy and Daddy don't always understand you, but know this. We love you so very, very much. The moment you came into our lives, our family was complete. We had no idea how much we could love both you and Elwood, but you made our hearts grow and continue to every day.
Happy Birthday baby. You are my sunshine.
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