It is a story of beginnings - his life, our family, my journey as a Mommy. To him, it's just Mommy talking and stroking his hair softly as we settle in for the night. To me, it is the most important story I have to tell him.
It is a story that continues to be written with every milestone, every holiday, every time he flashes that beautiful, devilish grin and bats those big brown eyes.
He is smart and funny and can be incredibly thoughtful. I have seen him sing his baby brother to sleep when no one else could console him. He is generous with his hugs and kisses.
He is also stubborn and defiant. He is my summer storm. The air becomes thick and hot and you know something is coming. Then, the dark clouds gather, the water pours down, lightening crashes and thunder booms. As soon as all that energy has been depleted, the sky clears, the rain stops and the world is cooler and fresher.
I say frequently that I was meant to be a mother. The good days are more fun than the bad ones, but I've come to accept that you can not have one without the other. That's one of the lessons Elwood taught me. He has taught me so much - and here I thought I was the one who was supposed to be teaching him.
Happy 5th Birthday to my Big Boy! Thank you for making me a Mommy.
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