Monday, July 29, 2013

Log Jam on Doubt Toast

I have started 3 different posts since last week.  Three different posts that for three different reasons I abandoned midway through. 

Whether it was because I thought it sounded trite or whiny or just plain crazy, I decided against them. 

But they all were somehow related to the fact that in two and a half weeks, I will have a Kindergartner and a Second Grader.  And for a myriad of reasons, I am freaking out (quietly, most of the time, but occasionally, the crazy seeps out.)

One post was about not having dinner ready in a timely manner and how was that going to effect our new schedule once school starts that will include homework, bath time, story time, and a strict bed time, now times 2!

Another was about trying to give the boys a little freedom and let them roam a little farther away from us, while being completely terrified at that prospect.

And a third was about the fact that we haven't really censored music for the boys and that's going to come back and bite us in the ass in the near future I think.  Probably with Finn.  In Kindergarten.  Singing "Bottoms Up".  During snack time.

Truth is, I don't know what to think right now.  Elwood is growing up so fast - I can't keep up.  And Finn - who at this very moment is leaping from couch to couch like a spider monkey - is right there behind him.  They have their moments when they need us, but more and more things are things they can handle on their own.  But I can't handle them being independent - not yet at least. 

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